Friday, July 5, 2013

Painting in Monet's Garden

Saying that painting in Monet's garden was a dream come true is not exactly accurate since it was an experience beyond my wildest dreams. I will be forever greatful to Tom Stack and Gail Knowles for jumping through hoops and making the connections to get us permission to paint in the garden after hours.

We are packed up and ready to head off to Giverny. Yoshiko, Connie, Gail B, Mary and Layla.

Arriving in Giverny, Rue Claude Monet. As with all worthwhile experiences the journey was full of challenges that made the destination even more appreciated.

I've got my easel and I am ready to go. We arrived early enough to scope out our spots so we could concentrate on painting as soon as the doors closed at 5:30.

Yoshiko, Gail B., Connie, Mary and Tom as they paint the waterlilies.

Yoshiko in Monet's window. The guard let us peak in the house after the last guests were leaving.

Gail, Connie, Layla and Tom painting away. 

As a perfect end to the day, we stopped off in Roeun to see the cathedral at sunset. On the next trip I would like to add a painting excursion here. Since we won't have months to paint here like Monet, my plan would be to have students do drawings of the cathedral on canvas prior to the visit and add the light as we see it changing on the backdrop of the cathedral before our eyes.

Adrienne Wyman Kralick
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